Part 113: Famicom Part 2 - Remember when we were blue, Cloud?
I think something might be wrong with me. I'm starting to enjoy the way the FF7F leveling system works. Basically, everything you do levels separately. If you use physical attacks, your character gains proficiency with that weapon. This functions independently for every weapon, so it's more useful, in general, to settle down with one thing and stick to it. Leveling up the characters doesn't seem to have nearly as much of an effect on damage as leveling up the weapons. As a bit of a glitch, though, leveling a character heals them fully, and fills all their spell uses.

Spells work the same way, but with the added bonus that as you level up the spells, you start learning higher versions of the spells (i.e. getting Bolt1 up to level 3 gets you Bolt2). As far as I can tell, there are no unique enemy spells. They use the same attacks as the player-characters do.
Each spell gets a limited number of uses before it must be recharged, rather than drawing from an MP pool. This reduces the strategy of how you're going to use your spells, somewhat.
Each playable character shows up with a new piece of materia. They can be swapped between characters, but everybody's limited to one. Cloud shows up with Lightning, Barrett has Rock, Tifa has Wind, and Aeris has White. Red XIII, Cait Sith, and Cid leave room for Fire, Dark, and Water. The optional characters in FF7, like Yuffie, are not (or so I've been told) present in this version.
Limit breaks are sadly absent. I'm going to guess it was more an issue of creating new animations than the actual coding. It doesn't seem like something that would be difficult to code at all.
I'm not sure how a level 5 Bolt1 compares to a level 1 Bolt3, but perhaps somebody who knows how to read NES roms can pick apart the code? Making sense of any of this seems like wishful thinking at this point.
Anyways, Let's Continue to Play Final Fantasy 7, Famicom version
Part 2: Remember when we were blue, Cloud?

Would you mess with somebody wearing a burning robe? I wouldn't mess with somebody wearing a burning robe.

There is a pillar, but we're not standing anywhere near it.

There's a house over here that has nothing in it. None of the walls have anything written on them, and I can't figure out what it corresponds to from the original game. It's surprising that you can even go in here at all, most houses that don't have signs are just scenery.

The flashback scene with Tifa. Neither Cloud nor Tifa have different sprites, and the background is just a palette-swapped version of the Sector 7 Slums. We'll have to see if Nibelheim itself is the same thing.
The dialogue in the basement of Tifa's bar is oddly absent, mostly because there isn't a basement. Not sure why they couldn't have that scene play out upstairs, but not a big loss. Barrett just barges in after the flashback and gives Cloud his 1500G, after which Cloud agrees to take the next mission.

And we're off on another exciting adventure!

For some reason, the second reactor features a little...puzzle? Minigame? You have to turn the gears to open the door to the reactor. No big deal.

Cloud has his breakdown for no explained reason...'s a trap...

...and Freddie Mercury shows up to ruin our day.

Elentor will have my utmost respect if he can figure out a way to beat any of the bosses in this game in one turn.

But patience is a virtue, and "AirBustr" goes down with not too much trouble. This leaves Cloud hanging on the edge. He falls off the bridge...

...and into history.
Next Time: Cross-Dressing has never been easier!